You searched for: “alarm pheromone
alarm pheromone (s) (noun), alarm pheromones (pl)
A pheromone that elicits an alarm reaction in an animal-species population, causing an excited behavioral state.
This entry is located in the following unit: pher-, phero- (page 1)
Word Entries at Get Words: “alarm pheromone
alarm pheromone (s) (noun), alarm pheromones (pl)
A chemical substance exchanged among members of the same species that induces a state of alertness or alarm in the face of a common threat: Jeff read about thealarm pheromone referring to the release or ejection of a certain substance to alert the others of the same species of an oncoming danger, threat, or attack.
This entry is located in the following unit: Ant and Related Entomology Terms (page 1)